NetHack Patch Database v0.27

323 patches

Traps displayed above items

NameTraps displayed above items 0.1.1
AuthorPhilip Potter
ForNetHack 3.4.3
DescriptionAdds a command to display traps above items instead of below
 This patch adds a new option to the game, trap_on_top. This option makes the game display traps on top of items instead of underneath. In addition, a new command % has been added which toggles this option quickly.

No more falling in poisoned pits hidden by fortune cookies!

(Also, cmdhelp and opthelp have been updated to reflect the changes.)

v0.1.1: Preserves save and bones compatibility
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AddedAugust 26, 2006 18:20
ChangedAugust 27, 2006 09:42
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1 Comment

5scwizardSeptember 17, 2006 23:20
Should be in vanilla damnit! PLEASE![Quote]

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