NetHack Patch Database v0.27

323 patches

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#NameAuthorForRatingShort description
281JafetNetHack 3.4.3100%Adds identification details to the dumplog
282Taihyun HwangNetHack 3.4.3100%Anybody can enter wizard mode with -D option.
283BrilliandNetHack 3.4.3100%Adds empty potion bottles to the game
284Andreas DornNetHack 3.4.3100%Adds more conducts
285NephiNetHack 3.4.3100%Extends the invisible object's behaviour and adds more special cases for them.
286Jukka LahtinenNetHack 3.4.3100%Show extinct and number of created monsters at the end of game.
287Edoardo SpadoliniNetHack 3.4.3100%Implements fcntl(2) locking. no more perm_lock errors
288NephiNetHack 3.4.3100%Szechuan tins might contain a free fortune cookie.
289Pasi KallinenNetHack 3.4.3100%Random stinking gas clouds on the Plane of Fire
290Jukka LahtinenNetHack 3.4.3100%Swap the 'z' and 'y' keys.
291NephiNetHack 3.4.3100%Various monsters attack certain other types of monsters without prior provocation.
292TomsodNetHack 3.6.1100%Adds a magical candle that detects unseen in its light radius
293GregorJNetHack 3.4.3100%Hallucinatory deities and alignments
294Malcolm RyanNetHack 3.4.3100%Beartraps wound your feet as per xans. Also, a wand of opening will release you from a beartap.
295Malcolm RyanNetHack 3.4.3100%(a)pplying a tin-opener now automatically wields and uses it, rather than giving a message.
296JafetNetHack 3.4.3100%#invoke the Book of the Dead to perform the Invocation.
297Patric MuellerNetHack 3.4.3100%Fixes crashes from breakable objects hitting iron bars
298Jason Dorje ShortNetHack 3.4.3100%Allows a simple rebinding of keys to any command
299John HarrisNetHack 3.4.3100%Adds water and lava islands, and water and lava rivers to the game
300Pasi KallinenNetHack 3.4.3100%Adds a new extended command #listmons, which lists all the monsters seen and detected.
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