NetHack Patch Database v0.27

323 patches

Level terrain

NameLevel terrain 1.2
AuthorJohn Harris
ForNetHack 3.4.3
DescriptionAdds water and lava islands, and water and lava rivers to the game
 This patch adds a special room type, the "island."

Islands can appear from level three on, but on levels three of four will only actually be generated if the level contains a room with only one exit, to cut down on situations in which the player cannot proceed (since the player will have access to the Mines after that point, and probably will be able to use a pickaxe around the island if need be). The island will never be generated in a room with a staircase.

Islands always contain one "palm" tree, and a spot on the ground marked with an "X". It is probably worth digging > on that spot. There's also a level sound for when there's an island on the floor. There's also a trap door on the island, in case a player falls onto the island from the level above and has no way out. Other ways past the island are left as an exercise to the reader. There are plenty of ways of crossing water in Nethack that depend on equipment, but in dire situations, the player could throw his stuff across the water and swim over.

Deeper in the dungeon, the ring of water might be a little thicker, and really deep the island may actually be ringed with lava.

Further, dungeon levels may contain rivers outside the structure of paths and rooms. The river should not interfere with the player's normal progress through the map, in places where the river intersects a room, the workings of erosion may have worn away some of the wall, perhaps leaving some boulders to splash into the water, maybe making bridges.

Finally, the room generation code has been modified a bit, to allow for more than one special "room" to appear on a level, and the occurance probabilities have been adjusted as best I can to take that into account. (That is, many special rooms are now slightly less common, but this is made up for by the fact that other special rooms will now not necessarily forbid their generation.)
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AddedMay 16, 2006 00:16
ChangedJuly 14, 2007 18:25
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1 Comment

5Haakon StudebakerDecember 28, 2007 02:32
I really, really, really like this patch.[Quote]

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