NetHack Patch Database v0.27

323 patches


NameAutofire v1.0
AuthorMalcolm Ryan
ForNetHack 3.4.3
DescriptionWhen you attack a monster, you will fire ammo instead of hitting with your missile launcher.
 If you are wielding a missile launcher and you have appropriate ammo in your quiver, then when you attack a monster rather than giving you the "you begin bashing..." message, it fires the ammo instead. This is an option (autofire), and it is turned off by default.
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AddedJuly 14, 2006 20:49
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 Eric HermanJune 22, 2011 12:15
Very useful idea.

Just curious, glancing at the patch, I am wondering why the line:

if(obj->oclass == COIN_CLASS) return(throw_gold(obj));

was removed. Is this line made obsolete by the rest of the patch?

@John H.: I think it makes perfect sense that _this_ patch only kicks in at melee range; it solves one problem well. I would welcome a separate patch to introduce single keystroke firing, but usually patches are best kept focused.[Quote]
4John H.July 15, 2006 02:07
Cool idea, but shame it only kicks in at melee range. I think best of all will be seting a modifier key on the keypad that will fire in that direction (like Alt-8 to fire north), but this isn't bad.[Quote]

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